Sunday, March 30, 2014

Continue to see the good in others like Jehovah God does....

Why the hell am I the way I am..........
That's the question here......
Everyone say's you must not put your head on a block for people, but Jesus sacrifice himself for us but he and Jehovah God still loves us despite our sinful nature...

I always try to see the good in others and I do at times but sometimes people are so self absorbed in their own hate, lust and greed that they don't see what is good and graceful in front of their own eyes...

I will always see the good in others like Jehovah God has seen in me...
And I'll never change, that's who I am and that's who I'll always be...
So always give the Father thanks and try your best to see the good in others like the Father himself has seen in you...

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