Saturday, July 23, 2022


 My inner most thoughts that no one knows except the one created me, being a person with a disability my biggest fear is being alone and displeasing Jehovah God not about to fulfill his purpose.

Never being good enough in my life and trying to stay positive when the negativity surrounds you consuming your positive light and you are drowning in it.

There are things that I see that anger, saddened and concerned me in a world that doesn’t realize the beautiful around them and the amazing things to be appreciate and give thanks for, look and you will see.

I wished that I could of done much better in my life even though I have accomplished a lot in my life, some how I still feel like I failed. 

I also wished that I could do more for my parents and brothers especially for my mother she has a pillar for my brother and I from the day we were born and she continues to be in our lives. My dream is to give my mom everything she gave my brother and I with her love and sacrifice and I would always like to be a pillar to my our brother on my dad side and show him what it means to truly show unconditional love and kindness.

My inner most thoughts I don’t share because I don’t want to hurt anyone with them so I don’t say anything at all and I try not to complain or bother anyone because they are consumed with their own lives so I try to turn to Jehovah God the one who took the time to create me but sometimes I also feel I am bother to him as well even though I am no trouble to him at all, he’s a God of love. He would never abandon me ever but it’s still difficult to go to him.

That’s why I’m writing my thoughts down so I can go through every emotion that I am feeling trying to get through it with Jehovah’s help.

Thanks listen to my inner most precious thoughts.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


 I have returned to my daily routine where there is confusion and utter stress that persons don’t see in my smile that hides like a Chameleon in plain sight.


Stacyann Parris