Sunday, August 3, 2014

Some people are the most dangerous

It has been awhile since I have taken to my blog and express my feelings on things that have been bothering me
I have been keeping these things to myself and as a result I've been getting sick and my life seems to be spinning out of control. I see a world that I do not recognize anymore and some persons always have something to say behind my back, they can never say it in front of my face because they are afraid that I would look them differently.
In this world I have learned that some persons are not what they seem to be and some are what you see is what you get. You yourself have to figure out who is your true friend and foe, observe carefully and learned from the pass mistakes that you have made and you will see who is for you and who is against you.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sometimes I want to say.................

Sometimes I want to say.......What the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes I want to say.......Get out!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes I want to say.......You are a self bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes I want to say.......You are full of crap!!!!!!! 
Sometimes I want to say.......F........ You!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes I want to say.......WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I can't, so it's deep inside eating me like a virus.
Killing slowly with every breath of my being....
I am dying...........Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Who the hell I am really!

Who the hell I am really!
I will tell you who I am
I am a total waste of time, energy, sperm and great genes.
An un-educated fool.......
That's who I am.....

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Continue to see the good in others like Jehovah God does....

Why the hell am I the way I am..........
That's the question here......
Everyone say's you must not put your head on a block for people, but Jesus sacrifice himself for us but he and Jehovah God still loves us despite our sinful nature...

I always try to see the good in others and I do at times but sometimes people are so self absorbed in their own hate, lust and greed that they don't see what is good and graceful in front of their own eyes...

I will always see the good in others like Jehovah God has seen in me...
And I'll never change, that's who I am and that's who I'll always be...
So always give the Father thanks and try your best to see the good in others like the Father himself has seen in you...

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


For the past or so I've been trying figure somethings out...
It's been a rough couple of months for me...
I feel lost...
I am lost...
Adrift on a mindless sea of nothing...
While the world is sailing on a course for brilliance...

I'm lost.....
I feel lost....
Adrift on a mindless sea of nothing....
Endless memories in prison me...

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Today in a world that is filled with so much hatred,
The word friendship has taking a back seat in the minds of citizen in society.
They have forgotten what true everlasting friendship is,
Its like it has been wiped clean from their memory banks.

The bible says in Proverbs 14:20 Even to his fellowman one who is of little means is an object of hatred, but many are the friends of the rich person.
We will quicker hate the man who has spiritual value which is very valuable and love the man who has materialistic values that does not amount to nothing.

For me true friendship does not defined you by how much money that you make in a day, month or a year,
True friendship defines you by your friendship with Jehovah God and how much you value your brother, by actions and not by words.

Proverbs 18:24 says There exist companions disposed to break one another to pieces, but there exists a friend sticking closer than a brother.

Always stick to your friend closer than a brother, encourage him, be there for him, listen to him and give him scriptural advice from God's word.
And most of all value the friendship that you have with one another,
It is consider much more valuable to Jehovah than a man that his materialistic things.