Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sometimes We As Human Beings Do And Say Things We Shouldn't

Yes! I know, ...
It's been awhile that I haven't written on my blog, there has been going on with me lately but I wouldn't get into that today.

I wanna to talk about what we as humans sometimes do our say that we shouldn't, and it hurts people really badly and we sometimes live to regret it.
You see today I hurt someone I love and care about and I did without thinking and I regretted it....
And we sometimes take the message the person is conveying the wrong way and that's what I did without thinking...

My mother always told me to think before I speak and I never learned that until today....
I never meant to hurt this person, they mean the world to me more than they ever know and I wish I could go back and erase what I said to them, but I can't....

God gave us a mind to think but we sometimes don't use it correctly at all....
Be slow to anger.....
Listen carefully...
And don't leap without a safety net....
Most all apologize for your actions......

That's all for today!
God Bless.....

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