Thursday, January 31, 2013

Poem by me

The point inflicted on the blood vessels of my center 
Encased in my damage world 
Surrounds me with fragments of a none reality 
Imaginary love

Then there were you
Someone in solid form 
Imprinted on my light force
Union with me
Soul to soul
Flesh to flesh
Mind to mind 
As one

Seeing beyond the eyes view
Beyond what is left
Love stretches its wings to embrace
You are with me forever and always 

Stacy Ann Parris

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pain/ Heart broken

Being heart broken is the worst pain you can feel in your life.
it drains you soul...
Even worse is when you've made the biggest mistake in your existence and can't corrected that mistake. How i do something so idiotic and stupid i lost the best thing in my reality..

It hurts so bad and i'm lost and the walls of my reality are closing in on me crushing what ever feeling i have left, i don't want to lose that precious light.

Pain/ heartbroken......

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Always have a new out look on life.......

Always have a new out look on life,
It helps you understand and see things more clearly.
Its like a new morning each and every time.
You start over with a clean canvas creating a new and exciting painting for your life.
With a brand new interpretation

Life always teaches you about the simple things and how to generally appreciate them fully.
It takes you away to of happiness and tranquility where you yourself are reborn.

Jesus himself God son was a very simple man and he appreciated what life means to him and his father.
He loved what he learned from it and it show in his mannerism and his humility and we in turn should do the same with an open heart and open mind like Jesus did, and we will love who we are and the things around us as well and all be truly grateful..

Monday, January 21, 2013

Love is not complicated

Love is not complicated we just make complications for it.
God created everything including us without any complications, he did it with true heartfelt love.

The true meaning of love is this: Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoice with truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.1Cor 13: 4-8f.

This is what true love is and we should take heed and use this love for all mankind and always be grateful that love.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

When your body is slowly letting you down

When i was younger i realize how much i took my senses for granted
Now i have gotten a lot more mature and season like fine wine....
I'm slowly losing some of my senses that the creator has giving to me as a gift...

My body is slowly but surely letting me down
It's really a very frighten thing to think that you are losing apart of you an essence of your soul and you can't stop it..
Until gradually you yourself cease to existed, the world around you has no colours, no shapes, no sizes everything you have ever known from a child is taken away and replaced with shades of grey with no texture.

This reminds me of a movie called Benjamin Button where he was born old his mother died during his birth and his father gave him up when he saw his son for the first time..
Benjamin was a survivor despite his short coming in life and he never had any regrets, not one.

So being in existence for 34 years i have no regrets...
When i leave whenever that time maybe i know i've done everything i set out to do and i'm ready for my long deserve beauty rest lolz!

Always thank the father every day you breath.....


Saturday, January 19, 2013

I'M BACK!!!!!!

It's been a while but i'm back to share my deepest darkest secrets with you all out there in Blogland.
Life has been so weird and complicated but it's been a great blessing too.
I have been finding my self and knowing who i am in the process and it's eye opening....
I think everyone should take sometime to find themselves, it will help their souls greatly!

Well until next post
Peace, love take care!