Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sometimes I want to say.................

Sometimes I want to say.......What the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes I want to say.......Get out!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes I want to say.......You are a self bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes I want to say.......You are full of crap!!!!!!! 
Sometimes I want to say.......F........ You!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes I want to say.......WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I can't, so it's deep inside eating me like a virus.
Killing slowly with every breath of my being....
I am dying...........Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Who the hell I am really!

Who the hell I am really!
I will tell you who I am
I am a total waste of time, energy, sperm and great genes.
An un-educated fool.......
That's who I am.....