Sunday, December 4, 2011

Stepping into my own shoes

It's been awhile since I wrote on my blog....
Things have change a lot with me.....
In a sense I found my own shoes, my own steps, my own being of me...
This is very exciting for me but also very scary and overwhelming because I made and still are making my own journey for me, so others can follow.....
When you are stepping in your own are making your own rules, own time and your own pace of your own destination with God's help......
No one! can tell you otherwise, only you can....
So no matter what.....I'm stepping in my own shoes to make a path for others and a distinctive voice that stands out from the rest...with God's help....
Always be true to you and to others around you...and especially the creator who took his time to make you with his very heart....
Blessing and peace to all....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lost soul of a child

I can't remember the last time I've written a piece.
Held a ball point pen in my hand and felt the ridges on its sides...
Letting my thoughts flow freely and honestly on the pages of my mind,
But instead my thoughts are like a caged bird, where my mind is being crushed under the weight of the bars of worry...
Hoping to escape the non-existence of the very being of me....
Hoping to return home again to my lost essence....

A lost child with much to say but her soul can't find its way....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Road To Success

The road to success isn't easy...
You have to have tough skin and the backbone to survive on the road to your success.........
When you are driven, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and you love what you do.....
That's where your on the road to success and yourself discovery.....

Always remember never stop learning..........
Knowledge is key......
To Your Success!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


True happiness comes from within and that happiness is spread to others......
To be truly happy you need to have some quiet time for yourself and do a minute of mediation every morning....
You will see a difference that it makes for soul at the beginning of your day......

Another way to be truly happy is to talk to the creator your father who made you in his own image and likeness,
He know's you better than anyone....
He know's the very hairs on your head....
When you talk to him you feel at peace and you feel this joy that come from within you.....

Smiling, laughing and greeting others helps you to be truly happy.....
A smile helps you and others through the rest of the day.......
Remember that a smile goes along way..... :-D
Love yourself for who you truly are as a person as God loves you
And you will truly and positively be happy....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hi Beautiful People.......I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!

How have you guys been lately? So i haven't been here to update my blog..
I've been a bit busy with life and school... I've changed a lot since the last time I've blogged....

Hmmm!!!!!!! Todays topic:

No matter how nice and sweet you are....People are still going to talk behind your back about you.....
They will never say it in front your face because they are scared to see the reaction....
So instead of telling you themselves, they say it behind your back like a quivering cowardly dog......
When it gets back to you the  individual!!!!
In your mind you thought everything was fine with you and the person all this time....But apparently not, hmmmm!!!!!!!!

So you the individual take several days to calm your angered soul and collected your scattered thoughts from in your head....Starting to build the puzzle back together again, from the same scattered thoughts...And as the puzzle is being built, you see a whole new picture emerge from your mind and you become very aware of the people around you and what their aim is in this world......

Those very same persons who are saying this about you......
They have no power over you, if anything.....They just keep making you more famous as they keep talking about you....LOLZ!!!!!!! If your not being spoken about that means your dull LOLZ!!!!!! And always remember to observe the people around you very carefully......
You get to realize that they are not really that important in this world and that there are important things then idol gossip....

Two last points....That God know's who you from the inside out......And he know's the very hairs on your head...that no one else does.....
Remember that you are a strong and powerful individual, no one can break you one!!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Continue to praise Jehovah with your heart...and he will hear you.....

our life is soo precious we have thank God that made us
and do our best to spread his inspiration, knowledge, love and peace to others
because we don't know what will happen tomorrow in your life....
so continue to praise Jehovah with your heart...and he will hear you.....

Monday, February 7, 2011

D'Angelo - Africa

The morning always brings a new day

The morning  always brings a new day and new clarity in your life.....
That your heart rejoices and your soul sings aloud for your creator hears....
Let the mornings bless your essence you would see a new person from within you....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A rebirth

A birth brings a new generation...
That sees the world differently through their eyes....
They themselves teach us how to truly love....
By the time they are born...

Their birth teaches us how to open our hearts....
And know who we are as a people....
But sometimes breaking that knowledge that we learned...
We teach our children to hate what is different or hard to understand....

When that happens their innocence is lost forever.....
And they become bitter and angry souls like us.......
A clone of ourselves with no purity of innocence in their heart.....

So please learn from your children....
And listen....
Your soul will be new....
With pure love again.......
A rebirth of you........

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

10 Things I Want To Say To A Black Woman by Joshua Bennett

This is such a beautiful piece, i feel like an African gem pure and beautiful.......
Thank you Joshua Bennett for these words........

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A smile goes along way....

A smile goes along way....
When you smile.....
You brighten someone's day...
And it has them feeling great whole day.......

A smile also enriches someone's very soul of pure happiness.....
And when they are joyous and smiling...
Their world seems brighter with positivity and thanksgiving......
And that lets the creator know how much we love him, truly and honestly....
It gives him pure gracious joy.

I also smile to persons wherever I go
Smiling is beautiful expression of love for one another as human beings...

So smile!!!!
You yourself will see.....
How much laughter it brings....
In your very heart...
Nourishing your very being as a person... :-D

Stacy Parris

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Life is a never ending journey....
Where you are constantly learning....
And constantly evolving as an individual...
In other words, you are coming into your own....

But sometimes when we are evolving...
We sometimes forget who we are along the way....
And where we came from....

So we become the very thing that we despise the most...
And when that happens, it's too late to turn back....
Our very essence is gone....
And we as the individual are no more....

So yes!!!
Life is a never ending journey....
Where your constantly learning new and exciting things....

But along the way on your journey.....
Please don't forget who you are....
Or where you came from....

Because in the end.....
That will make you a better person...
For your very future.....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Giving thanks

Giving thanks is the most loving thing a person can do.......

When you give thanks....
You are showing appreciation.....
For what the person has done for you throughout a lifetime.... 

And that is the greatest love of all......
It shows God that you appreciate the life he has given you.....
Which in turn makes you a better individual....

His love shines through you....
And resonates throughout our essence......

So remember to always give thanks to the creator daily....
And your blessings will be greater!

Monday, January 10, 2011


All we can do in this world is try.....
Trying is something that we as humans are born with.....
When we try we eventually succeed in our goals....
Pushing ourselves to finish the race and winning the reward...

I tried and succeeded in one of my goals...
And I can tell you it's the most rewarding feeling in the world....
To know that you, yourself worked hard, putting extra effort into your work....
And reaching your goal....
That's a blessing in it's self.....

Just by trying.....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Queen God Is Brave New Voices 2009 Part 1


Sometimes we as people need to reflect on past and present.....
To help us to see where we went wrong or going wrong....
So we individuals wouldn't make the same mistakes in the future...
Self reflection of ones self is a good....
It helps strengthen the belief in ourselves....
And in our souls....  

So do some reflection of your life....
And of yourself....

You'll be extremely surprise of what you see reflecting back at you.....

Which is a thing of beauty....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

"SILENCE IS DEADLY" by Official P4CM Poet Ezekiel

"Does Anybody Know That You're a Christian" by Official P4CM Poet Karness

Don't Cha - Pussycat Dolls/Cover (rearranged) Live at JazzFest

It's OK to ask for help

We as humans sometimes don't like to ask for help...
In the eyes of some, it is viewed as a sign of weakness...But it is not!
All of us need some kind of assistance in our lives to help us to reach the road to success..
I myself need some kind of assistance as well and i'm not afraid to ask for it...

Help is not a sign of weakness...
It's a sign of strength....

Help is like links on a chain, when the links are apart they are weak... 
But when they are joined together, they form a chain that is unbreakable....

So it's OK to asks for help...